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Punting.  This pastime is so important to the English, that here it deserves its own page. The river Cam is a place of continuous entertainment during the summer months.  It is popular to go out in "punts" and travel through the colleges. The "punts" are an unusual flat-bottomed construction and are propelled using a pole that is pushed against the river bed - the boats are called "punts" and it is very popular to go "punting". Not only does "punting" give the tourist the best view of the inside of the colleges but "punting" is also a very relaxed mode of transport. . It can be a very romantic journey  but it can also be a very wet journey if one falls into the river while attempting to use the "punting pole" (beware of the pole sticking in the mud but hilarious for all to witness). "Punting" is very safe for passengers apart from when embarking and disembarking. Select Events Planning will keep you safe..ish!


"Punting" will be the highlight of your visit as it will be surprisingly amusing and enjoyable. It’s an absolute must as viewing the colleges and their gardens is a fabulous sight. 


The upper-river is also very beautiful but it does not go near the colleges, instead it heads out into the country south of Cambridge and eventually reaches the lovely village of Grantchester. It takes a whole day to "punt"to Grantchester and back but there are some excellent locations for pic-nicking and some good pubs. 


At Select Events Planning we will book "chauffeur punts" in which a professional does all the hard work. It is more sedate but there is less chance of falling  into the water and you will be given a detailed explanation of what you are seeing. Memories indeed.

If you are going to have a go and use the pole when "punting" then it is strongly recommended that you remove all precious belongings from pockets before starting, in case.   But hey, the river is all about fun and entertainment isn’t it?  Happy "Punting"!

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